Art in Hamadori

Art in Hamadori

OPEN CALL FOR “Marginal Art Fair Fukushima Hirono”

We are currently accepting international artists to participate in an art fair to be held in Hirono Town on January 25th...
Art in Hamadori

Tatsuo Miyajima Opens Office in Tomioka Town

Japanese Artist Tatsuo Miyajima, Known for His Works Using Digital Display Numbers, Opens Office in Tomioka Town.Tomioka...
Art in Hamadori

青木みのりさんのソフトスカルプチャー作品「Smoke Like Snow」が広野町のコレクションに入りました / Minori Aoki’s soft sculpture ‘Smoke Like Snow’ is now in the collection of Hirono town.

Mayor and MinoriMinori presented her sketchMayor and MinoriMinori and her soft sculpture青木みのりさんより「今回の作品は、2024/1/8鳥小屋当日の景...
Art in Hamadori

Update from Minori Aoki 青木みのりさんからの進捗報告

Update from Minori AokiShe is currently working on a mixed media piece about Torikoya Hirono.This will be delivered to t...
Art in Hamadori

Minori Aoki’s work in progress 青木みのりさんの作品、途中経過。

Minori Aoki's work in progressThe work will be completed by the end of this month and into the public collection of the ...
Art in Hamadori

Nadine Baldow talks about her sculpture at Hirono International Artist in Residence (Movie)

Art in Hamadori

ナディン・バルドウ作品「儚い顕現」Nadine Baldow “Ephemeral Emergence”

解説作品名「儚い顕現」制作年 2024設置場所 福島県双葉郡広野町下浅見川久保メディア 流木、竹、葉、貝、石、火作者 ナディン・バルドウバルドウさんは広野町の海岸線と常磐線の間(広野町で東日本大震災の津波が到達したエリアにほぼ相当します)で...
About Hirono


Art in Hamadori

青木みのり作品「もし、雪の降らない広野町に…」 Minori Aoki “It doesn’t snow in Hirono Town. But if…”

作品画像 Images"It doesn't snow in Hirono Town. But if…""It doesn't snow in Hirono Town. But if…""It doesn't snow in Hirono ...
Art in Hamadori

