This is a reply to inquiry email.
What is important, I think, is to properly convey the image of the site-specific work when it is completed and exhibited in Hirono, and to have a clear logic leading up to that point.
For example, let’s say a choreographer creates a dance piece with the people of Hirono.
(dance is a very popular culture among young people in Japan, although it is street dance, not contemporary dance.)
“I will create a dance piece with the people of Hirono.”
This may make them ask, “Why? What?” or they say “OK, next”
“Together with the people of Hirono, I will create a dance about TORIGOYA.”
The scope is still too big, this is the same as saying nothing!
‘Based on a dance that is said to have existed in my country before the coming of Christianity and was danced at festivals celebrating the winter solstice, and after researching the folklore of Hirono, I will choreograph the communion between the winter king and the spring nymphs and birds, and perform it with the young people of Hirono. In this way, two very different cultures are fused together. I will then perform this work around the world.”
With such specifics, a path may be found.
If you include a video link showing an image of an old dance from your country, a rough sketch of a costume, or a rough sketch of how it might be performed on a farm in Hirono in your proposal, you will be able to convey what you want to do.

これだけでは、”なんで?”とか “え?”と聞かれるかもしれないし、”OK、もういい。次 “と言われるだけかもしれません。