OPEN CALL 2023 (Application CLOSED)



Application Guidelines

Goals of the Artist-in-Residence Program

TORIGOYA Project is an artist-in-residence program run by the Hirono Town in Fukushima Prefecture, JAPAN. Its aim is to promote Hirono’s recovery from the disaster through the power of contemporary art. A particular focus of the TORIGOYA Project is to increase the number of people visiting and living in Hirono Town.

Hirono Town is located in Hamadori, Fukushima Prefecture, and was severely damaged by the tsunami in the Great East Japan Earthquake. Since then, the J-Village in the northern part of the town has become famous for the significant role it played in dealing with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident.

The Town is fortunate to be surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, nestled between mountains and the sea. There is a prominent surf spot called Iwasawa Surf Point on the northern edge of town. Hirono is also famous for the unearthing of various fossils, with the discovery of fossils of Hadrosauridae and Tyrannosauridae in 1986, and of an 88-million-year-old metasequoia in 2016. In 1968, an elasmosaur called Futaba suzukiryu(Futabasaurus suzukii) was unearthed in Oku-cho, Iwaki City, just south of Hirono Town.

However, in Fukushima Prefecture, where captivating tourism destinations are spread across the region, drawing attention to our town’s unique offerings has proven to be a challenge.

This time, Hirono Town has decided to implement an artist-in-residence program based on the theme of the ‘TORIGOYA (rooster hut)’, a traditional local new year event, to add new value to the ‘TORIGOYA’ through contemporary art, thereby communicating Hirono Town’s attractions to the world.

What the artists should do?

Invited artists will stay in Hirono Town for a total of 30 days between December 11, 2023 and January 15, 2024 to research the history, climate, culture or something other of Hirono Town and create their own site-specific artworks in collaboration with town residents, especially youth and children as socially engaged art. Artists should also create an artwork about the process of building his/her/their site-specific artwork in some form of media till the end of February. There are no restrictions on the media. It can be a photograph or video, painting, 3D works, media art, literary work such as poem, novel or play, or musical work.

One copy of this derivative work must be sent to committee. In the case of work in non-reproduction media such as painting, for example, it can be one of a series of works with different contents. The town will keep the works as public collections and use them to promote the town. (You can write it as “notable collection” in your CV)

Site-specific works created during the residency will be burned (or dismantled if they cannot be burned) in the same manner as traditional TORIGOYA during the “Dondoyaki” on January 8.

As one of the aims of this project is to root contemporary art in Hirono, we would highly value proposals that include lectures, workshops and studio visits during the residency period.

There is no restriction for the invited artists to do other activities (work, study, creation of their own artworks) during their stay in Hirono. One of the main goals of the TORIGOYA Project is to broaden the horizons of children living and studying in Hirono by exposing them to a variety of activities by contemporary artists. We hope that the invited artists will actively show thier everyday work, schoolwork, and production to the children and youth of Hirono.


  • Individuals aged 18 and over. We do not reject team of two, three or more applicants. However, the financial support you get is the same as for a one-person application.
  • Nationality and place of residence are not limited. However, due to the short period between the deadline for applications and the residency period, foreigners residing outside Japan are advised to check with the Japanese embassy in their country of residence regarding whether or not a short-stay visa is required and how long it will take to obtain one.
  • Artists of all genres including literary and performing arts.
  • Must be able to stay in Hirono Town for 30 days between December 11 and January 15. The period of stay can be divided into two parts. However, the artist must stay from January 6-8.
  • Must be able to communicate in Japanese or English or Japanese Sign Language or Japanese Correspondence Sign Language (including written communication). In the case of sign language speakers, the Committee will arrange a sign language interpreter to the extent possible. Applicants who require other barrier-free considerations should feel free to contact the Committee.

EVERYTHING ABOUT “Apply as duo or more” is in those 2 links below.

Terms and Conditions

  • During the artist-in-residence period, participants must stay in designated accommodation in the town of Hirono. The accommodation will be at Hatago Inn Fukushima Hirono (in front of Hirono Station on the JR Joban Line). The Committee will arrange and pay for the accommodation directly. Breakfast and dinner are included.
  • Studio for artists will be available at Hirono Miraikan. 12 min. walk from the Hotel. Free Wi-fi available. A satellite laboratory of the Isotope Science Center of University of Tokyo also occupies the Hirono Miraikan.
  • 100,000 yen will be provided as a provisional payment upon arrival in Hirono for various activities during the stay. You are free to use this money for transportation, research, and materials during your stay. For example, food and beverages to facilitate interviews and participant observation are included in this amount. Artists will be asked to submit receipts at the end of your stay to settle the account.
  • The committee will cover the actual cost of materials, tools and for production up to 100,000 yen.
  • The actual cost of transportation from the artist’s current address to Hirono Town will be paid up to 100,000 yen. Two round trips within this amount are acceptable. ( If you cannot make the round trip to Hirono Town with 100,000 yen, please consult with us.)
  • For foreign nationals who require a short-stay visa, the secretariat will assist in obtaining a visa as quickly as possible, but cannot guarantee that a visa will always be granted.
  • Please take care of your own safety during the production. Power tools, motorized tools, and large tools should only be handled by those who are sufficiently skilled in their use with appropriate protection (helmets, eyewear, clothing).
  • The use of adhesives on your TORIGOYA is prohibited (for eventual burning in the field). Plastics and other chemicals may be used in the TORIGOYA if they can be removed before the burning.
  • In order to prevent serious accidents, the use of fire or any other apparatus that emits high temperatures, such as incandescent lamps, is strictly prohibited within a 10-meter radius of the TORIGOYA, including during the production process. Also, please be sure to have a fire extinguisher ready for use. If any violation of safety management rules is found, the contract will be terminated immediately.
  • Curatorial support for research and production of artworks during the residency is available upon request. Please feel free to contact us for more information (our office has several staff members with master’s and doctoral degrees and university teaching experience).
  • In addition to the winners and finalists, we will feature other interesting applicants on our blog as honorable mention. If you don’t want to be mentioned on our blog, please let us know.

How to apply

Almost all questions have already been answered in our FAQs and blogs. Due to limited resources, if you send us email with question that has already been answered, we will not reply! Thank you!

  • Please send the proposal (max. 1300 words in English), CV and portfolio as pdf files of no more than 5MB each, with the name of the applicant in the file name, to the secretariat.
  • The language to be used should be either Japanese or English.
  • In the proposal, please explain what kind of activities you will carry out during the artist-in-residence period. Image sketches are not required. Please also indicate a rough schedule during your stay. Applicants who have concerns about how to write a proposal should contact the secretariat. We will provide advice.
  • Be sure to include your place of residence, nationality, e-mail address, artist statement, educational background, exhibition history, Your SNS accounts, awards and residencies in your CV. Please be sure to list your exhibition history by year, separating solo/duo exhibitions from group exhibitions.
  • Short bio should be included in either the CV or portfolio.
  • Your date of birth, gender, or gender identity is not required.
  • For awards, please list only those in which you won first place. Do not list “finalist” or “honorable mention” in your CV.
  • You may include up to 20 images in your portfolio. Please include the URL of your video work in the portfolio with a link to the video. If the video is password protected, please remember to include the password. Count each video link as one image. It will be easier for us to conduct a second screening if you include an eye-catching image.
  • Please read the FAQ for detailed instructions on how to write the proposal. You may also consult with our office about your project before submitting your application.

Judging Criteria

  • Are the application documents complete?
  • Is the applicant presumed to have a promising future as an artist?
  • Is it an excellent socially engaged art project?


  • Since the jury is made up of Hirono Town residents, including junior high and high school students, it is also important that the text is simple and easy to understand so that these people can understand it.
  • Candidates with disadvantages in their background, such as ethnic minority, poverty, refugee, or a handicapped person, will be given extra points, so please send explanation of the circumstances.
  • Candidates who had been unable to work as an artist for a period due to childcare, nursing care, injury or illness, or a spouse’s transfer will also receive an additional point adjustment, please submit explanation of the circumstances.
  • The application documents in English will be translated into Japanese by the secretariat staff and attached to the application. The staff member in charge has a doctoral degree in arts and rich experience in translation. However, we may contact the applicant if we really need to confirm the original intent.
  • In order to eliminate any bias as much as possible, the name, gender, age, and university name of the applicant will be withheld during the final judge.
  • Applicants may be asked to participate in a video chat interview.
  • Applicants’ artistic quality in the proposals, artist statements, and portfolios will be judged exclusively by Hirono Town residents. Committee members will not valuate applicants’ artistic quality.
  • The project has published a sexual harassment prevention policy on website. Sexual harassment prevention training will be provided for hosts prior to the start of the Artist-in-Residence program.
  • On January 14, the “Hundred Arrows Festival,” a Shinto ritual using Japanese bows, will be held at Kameyama Shrine in Hirono Town. 200 arrows will be shot in this festival, and we recommend that you stay until the 14th to observe this ritual.

Result Notice

Two candidates will be selected and will be contacted immediately after the decision is made. One of them must be a resident of Japan. We may also contact a few persons residing in Japan as alternates. The selected artist and the committee promptly sign a contract.

Important Dates

  • October 30, 2023 / Application Deadline (5 p.m. Japan time on 10/30, 8 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time on 10/30, 1 a.m. U.S. West Coast Time on 10/30)
  • November 3, 2023 / Final round of judging. Notified immediately to the selected artists via e-mail.
  • November 15, 2023 / Announcement of results on the web
  • December 11, 2023 / Start of Artist-in-Residence
  • January 7-8, 2024 / TORIGOYA ritual, bonfire
  • January 15, 2024/ Artist-in-residence ends
  • February 28, 2024/ Deadline for documented artworks













  • 18歳以上の個人。複数名での応募や家族同伴も審査上の不利は無いですが、各種の費用支援は1名分を上限とします。
  • 国籍、居住地は不問。ただし公募締め切りから実施までの期間が短いので、日本国外在住の外国人の方は、短期滞在ビザの要不要や取得までに必要な期間について、在住国の日本大使館に確認することをおすすめします。
  • 文芸やパフォーミングアーツを含む、あらゆるジャンルのアーティスト。
  • 12月11日から1月15日までの間で30日間、広野町に滞在できること。滞在期間は2分割可。ただし1月6-8日は必ず広野町に滞在してください。
  • 日本語または英語または日本手話または日本語対応手話でコミュニケーションできること(筆談を含む)。手話話者の場合、可能な範囲で事務局が手話通訳者を手配します。その他、バリアフリーについて配慮が必要な応募者は、お気軽に事務局にご相談ください。


  • アーティスト・イン・レジデンス期間中は広野町内の指定宿泊施設に宿泊すること。宿泊先としてはハタゴイン福島広野(JR常磐線広野駅前)を予定しています。事務局が手配と支払いを直接行います。全日程で朝食と夕食が付いています。
  • スタジオはひろの未来館に準備しました。ホテルから徒歩12分です。Free Wi-Fiがあります。施設内には東京大学の研究室もレジデンスとして入居しています。
  • 滞在中の諸活動のための費用として広野町到着時に10万円が仮払いの形で支給されます。この費用は滞在中の交通費や調査費、資料費として自由に使っていただいて構いません。最後に領収証を提出していただいて精算を行います。調査費にはインタビューや参与観察に伴う飲食費・茶菓代を含みます。
  • 制作のための材料費・工具費・画材費として10万円を上限に実費を事務局が負担します。
  • 現住所から広野町までの交通費として10万円を上限に実費を支払います。この金額内で2往復までは可とします。
  • 外国人で短期滞在ビザを必要とする方について、事務局は可能な限り迅速なビザ取得の支援を行いますが、必ずビザが取得できることを保証するものではありません。
  • 制作中の安全管理には充分に留意してください。電動工具や原動機付工具、大型の工具は適切な防護(ヘルメット、アイウェア、服装)を行った上で充分に習熟している者だけが取り扱うようにしてください。
  • 接着剤の「鳥小屋」への使用は禁止とします(最終的に野焼きするため)。プラスチックなどの化学物質は、お焚き上げの前に取り外せる場合は「鳥小屋」に使用しても構いません。
  • 重大事故防止の観点から、制作中を含み「鳥小屋」の半径10メートル以内での火気および白熱灯など高温を発する器具の使用は厳禁とします。また、必ず消火器を準備して作業をお願いします。
  • 安全管理上の規約違反が見つかった場合には、直ちに契約解除となります。
  • 滞在中のリサーチおよび作品制作につきましては、リクエストに応じて事務局によるキュレトリアル・サポートを随時提供可能です。お気軽にご相談ください(事務局には修士号・博士号と大学での教歴を持つスタッフが複数所属しています)。
  • アーティスト・イン・レジデンスに招待される方や最終選考に残った方々の他、印象に残った応募者の方々とその提案をブログで紹介させていただくことがあります。ブログでの紹介を希望されない方はその旨をお知らせください。


  • 「企画書(最大3000字・英文の場合は最大1300words)」「履歴書」「ポートフォリオ」をそれぞれ5MB以内のpdfファイルとした上で、ファイル名には必ず応募者名を入れ、事務局まで送信してください。
  • 使用言語は日本語または英語とします。
  • 「企画書」では、アーティスト・イン・レジデンスの期間中にどのような活動を行うのかを、特に広野町の歴史、風土、文化、社会など何らかの領域のリサーチに重点を置いて説明してください。イメージスケッチはあってもなくても構いません。また、当初のイメージスケッチと最終的に完成したものがかけ離れていても問題ありません。滞在中の大まかなスケジュールも示してください。企画書の書き方について不安がある応募者は事務局までご相談ください。可能な範囲でアドバイスをいたします。
  • 「履歴書」には居住地、国籍、メールアドレス、アーティスト・ステートメント、学歴、展示会歴を必ず記載してください。展示会歴は必ず個展・二人展とグループ展を分けて、年ごとに記載してください。SNSアカウント、受賞歴も記載をお願いします。生年月日や性別・性自認の記載は不要です。受賞歴では1位を取ったものだけを書いてください。最終選考(finalist)や審査員特別賞(honorable mention)は記載しないでください。
  • 略歴は履歴書またはポートフォリオのいずれかのファイルの冒頭に置いてください。
  • ポートフォリオには最大20枚までの画像を入れていただいて構いません。動画作品はリンク付きURLをポートフォリオ中に記載してください。パスワードがかかっている場合はパスワードの記載も忘れずにお願いします。動画リンク一つを画像1枚として数えてください。アイキャッチ画像が添えられていると、二次審査がしやすいと思います。
  • 企画書やアーティスト・ステートメントの書き方などはFAQで詳しく説明しておりますので、是非ご一読ください。また応募前に企画について事務局にご相談いただくことも可能です。


  • 応募書類に不備がないか?
  • アーティストとして将来有望であると推定されるか
  • ソーシャリーエンゲージドアートの企画として優れているか


  • 中学生や高校生を含む広野町の住民が審査員です。審査員の方々に理解出来るようなシンプルでわかりやすい文章であるかどうかも重要です。
  • 少数民族の出身である、貧困層の出身である、難民である、障害者であるなど、来歴にハンデキャップがある候補者に対しては点数のプラス補正を行いますので、事情を説明したものを別途送信してください。
  • 育児や介護、傷病、配偶者の転勤などの事情でアーティストとしての活動が思うように出来なかった時期がある方に対しても点数のプラス補正を行いますので、事情を説明したものを別途送信してください。
  • 出来るだけ先入観を排除するため、広野町の住民の方々による最終審査は応募者の名前、性別、出身大学名、年齢を伏せて行います。
  • ビデオチャットによるインタビューをお願いすることがあります。
  • 企画書、アーティスト・ステートメント、ポートフォリオによる応募者の芸術性の審査は、二次審査において広野町の住民だけが行います。
  • 当プロジェクトはセクシャルハラスメント防止規定を公開しています(ウェブサイト参照)。アーティスト・イン・レジデンス開始以前に関係者によるセクシャルハラスメント防止研修も実施予定です。
  • 1月14日には広野町内の亀山神社で和弓を用いた神事「百矢祭」が開催されます。200本もの矢が射られるお祭りです。せっかくですから、14日まで滞在してこの神事を見学されることをおすすめします。




10/30 日本時間17時 締め切り (グリニッジ標準時で10/30の午前8時、アメリカ西海岸時間で10/30の午前1時)

11/3 二次審査 決定した人から順に直ちに通知して意志を確認。

~11/15 結果発表(ウェブサイトにて)

12/11 アーティスト・イン・レジデンス期間開始(1/15までの間で日程を選び、30日間滞在)

1/7-8 「鳥小屋」実施

1/15 アーティスト・イン・レジデンス終了

2/28 記録作品締め切り