





では、たとえばわたしたちが学校の美術の時間に描いた絵や、趣味でつくった陶芸作品や、スマートフォンでインターネットに投稿している写真と、「現代アート」は何がちがうのでしょう? ああいうのもアートであることは間違いないですし、わたしたちも現代の人間ですよね。

The Hirono Town Artist-in-Residence TORIGOYA Project is an artist-in-residence program funded by the Reconstruction Agency, which was established to help rebuild the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The purpose of this program is to promote the reconstruction of Hirono Town through contemporary art. The AIR Project places particular emphasis on increasing the number of people who visit and live in Hirono Town.
What is Artist in Residence?
Artist-in-residence is a program in which artists from various fields (e.g., painters, sculptors, photographers, filmmakers, poets, novelists, musicians, etc.) stay in a certain place for a certain period of time and work on their artwork while interacting with local people and experiencing the local nature.
Artist-in-residence programs are popular in the field of contemporary art. Especially for those who have just started their careers as contemporary artists, they participate in a number of such programs to gain experience, create works of art, and grow as contemporary artists.
There are the very famous artist-in-residence programs oversea. It is the kind of artist-in-residence that contemporary artists from around the world yearn to train there. We hope TORIGOYA project will be like that someday.
What is Contemporary Art?
Contemporary artists are those who have followed in the footsteps of Western artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Renoir, and Picasso who appeared in textbooks of art we used in middle and high schools, and have created a variety of works. We call the works created by them contemporary art.

Oil painting by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503. The Virgin and Child with St. Anne.

Oil painting by Renoir in 1883. The Umbrellas.

Picasso and Carl Nesjar collaborated on this sculpture in 1970. “Sylvette.”
Contemporary art comes in many forms, including not only traditional painting and sculpture, but also photography, video, performance, and what are called “installations” that decorate a space.

Leandro Erlich’s 2014 installation work. “Port of Reflections”

Leandro Erlich’s 2018 installation work. “The Classroom”
Some works of contemporary art may look strange at first glance, but works by famous artists are sold and purchased for tens or hundreds of millions of yen.
Difference between recently created artworks and Contemporary Art
So, what is the difference between “contemporary art” and, for example, the pictures we drew in art class at school, the ceramic works we made as a hobby, or the photos we post on the Internet using our smartphones? There is no doubt that such things are art, and we are also modern human beings.
In fact, the works we create can also be “contemporary art”.
Here is how it works.
We wrote that “contemporary art is following in the footsteps of Leonardo da Vinci, Renoir, and Picasso”.
They were all Western artists. In the West, about 200 years ago, they started to create schools for artists, where they studied the history and structure of their art as a discipline.
And Western artists had to study the history of art and then explain, “My work is connected in this way to the history of art so far.
Schools for studying art eventually came to call themselves art schools. Nowadays, there are many of them in Japan. So, there are many contemporary artists in Japan.
Now, let us return to the previous question.
Can the works we create be “contemporary art” or not?
In fact, if someone who has studied the history of art in school explains about our work, “This is a work that is connected to the history of art in this way,” then our work becomes “contemporary art”! WOW!
This explanation can be given by a scholar, a curator, or of course a contemporary artist.
Therefore, the work we create with the contemporary artists who come to Hirono for the TORIGOYA artist-in-residence program becomes “contemporary art”.
What the contemporary artists will do in our town?
There is a traditional custom called “torigoya” in Hamadori, Fukushima Prefecture.
We probably don’t need to explain it, but it involves building a small hut out of bamboo and dead branches, where everyone gathers to eat and drink, and the next day, the hut is burned along with the fulus and decorations for new year.
It is a kind of what is called “Sagicho,” “Dondoyaki,” and “Sai no Kami”.
It is believed that the ritual was originally held at the Kyoto Imperial Palace during the Heian period (794-1185) and was introduced to various parts of Japan during the Kamakura period (1185-1333). Torigoya in Hamadori, as you know, is to build a hut in which children eat their meals and then light a fire, and it seems to be mixed with the custom of kamakura in regions with a lot of snow and of chasing birds away that eat farm products.
However, this torigoya is not at all as well known as other regional sagicho, and sagicho itself is hardly known outside of Japan.
Therefore, in this project, we would like to have contemporary artists create a work of art on the theme of TORIGOYA, which is Hirono-cho’s sagicho, and to present it to the world as an opportunity for people to come and see Hirono-cho’s torigoya event.
What will remain in our town as a result of the program?
Works of Contemporary Art
TORIGOYAs will not be left behind because it will be burned, but the works documenting the “TORIGOYA” will remain. These works will be shared with the world through the Internet, and will be an opportunity for people to become interested in Hirono Town.
If the contemporary artists who came to Hirono Town become very famous in the future, Hirono Town will also become famous.
For example, there is Mount Sainte-Victoire, which became world famous because it was repeatedly painted by the artist Cézanne, and the famous drawbridge, which was repeatedly painted by Van Gogh.

Young people’s experience and knowledge will remain
Another thing we consider important is the experience for youth to work together with contemporary artists to create artworks.
Contemporary art begins by taking what we take for granted and asking, “Is that really the norm?” In the coming age when AI will create what is taken for granted, the experience of reviewing and creating something that is taken for granted itself will be a valuable asset for the children of Hirono Town.
Operational know-how will also remain
One more thing.
In ordinary artist-in-residence programs, it is the people who have studied art at colleges and universities who select the artists to be invited and who interact with the artists. Some artist-in-residence programs are marketed as having such distinguished professors, critiques, or curators on the jury. There are also artist-in-residence programs where the name of the “producer” is prominently displayed on the website.
TORIGOYA Project, however, is different. In this program, it is the people of Hirono Town, including the children, who select the artists to be invited and who communicate with the artists.
In this way, we are trying to make the artist-in-residence program “run by local residents,” rather than “run by someone who has studied at art school.”
That’s what local festivals are all about, isn’t it?
Everyone somehow knows how to do it, and it goes on year after year.
Before you know it, the children have grown up to become the next generation of festival leaders.
For this reason, we would like to have the residents of Hirono, young and old, male and female, play a central role in the TORIGOYA project, starting with the selection of artists.
Please be assured that we have a staff member who has studied art at university and graduate school and has Ph.D. However, the main actors will be the contemporary artists and the residents of Hirono Town. Our staff will play a discreet guiding role. And when our role in Hirono Town is over, we will quietly disappear.