Project updates Oct 26, 2023 /About Contract 契約書についてなど



Yesterday, committee members visited Futaba Mirai Gakuen (junior high and high school) in Hirono to ask for their cooperation for the artist-in-residence program!

Of course, they are willing to cooperate with the artist-in-residence!


Also we are preparing a contract with the invited artists.

It is not yet finalized, but the contents are generally as follows.

  • The method of payment of various fees from the committee, and the due date of payment.
  • The copyright of the work belongs to the artist.
  • The right to use the work is shared by the artist and Hirono town.
  • When there is a need to sell or dispose of a delivered work, Hirono town will contact the artist in advance to discuss the matter.
  • The artist pledges not to infringe on the copyrights of others.
  • Artists pledge they had not associated with anti-social organizations or terrorist organizations.
  • The organizer provides various types of insurance.




  • 実行委員会からアーティストへの各種費用の支払いの方法と支払期日
  • 作品の著作権はアーティストに帰属
  • 作品の利用権はアーティストと広野町が共有
  • 納品された作品の売却や廃棄の必要が生じた際には、事前にアーティストに連絡して話し合う。
  • アーティストは作品制作に際して他者の著作権侵害を行わないことを誓約。
  • アーティストは反社会組織やテロリストとの関係を持っていないことを誓約。
  • 実行委員会は各種の保険をアーティストに提供。