Less than a month away from the opening of the Hirono International Artist-in-Residence “TORIGOYA” 2023-2024.
The committee is working with the two invited artists, Ms. Aoki and Ms. Baldaw, daily to discuss the various lectures and workshops in Hirono.
Just to be clear, we are not talking with Ms. Aoki and Ms. Baldaw individually, but with them.
About a brief introductory workshop for the town’s residents.
About the workshop visiting schools in the town.
We are discussing the contents of the workshop in detail, and also discussing the plan for collaboration between the two invited artists.
We are also continuing interviews with both Minori and Nadine to better understand their respective concepts of production.
For example, we have interviewed Minori about her influences, artists, and how she has deepened her understanding of the keyword “Tohoku,” and the influence of feminism on her work. Minori’s homecountry, Yamagata Prefecture, was once the Dewa Province in ancient age, a place of negotiation where the Yamato government fought, traded, and collaborated with the indigenous people of the north, called Emishi. How do Minori view such regional characteristics?
Or, what about the mountain worship represented by the three mountains of Dewa?
Or whether Minori’s paintings are a metaphor of “women = nature/earth” of the ecofeminism included in the second wave feminism, or something else.
With Nadine, about how to explain her keyword, the Anthropocene, to middle and high school students.
I said that your work reminds me of Suzanne Simard’s “Finding Mother Tree,” and she said that that is my favorite book, too.
I hope that all the outcomes of these discussions will be returned to the artist-in-residence program, so that the program will not be something that only those who understand it can understand, or that it is not just about seeing, feeling, and enjoying, but also about deep deep learning (for both the invited artists and the residents of the town).
If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us.