- 当日は特別料金で宿泊することができます(2食付)。
- 宿泊を希望される方は事前に事務局にご連絡ください。
- 宿泊をしない場合は軽食料をご負担いただきます(サンドイッチ、ソフトドリンク飲み放題)。
- WS会場であるひろの未来館からホテルまでの移動手段も確保済みです。
- ホテルからJR広野駅までは徒歩数分の距離です。
- 東京方面の場合、広野駅19:56発「特急ひたち30号」を利用すれば、東京駅着は22:44となります。
- 仙台方面の場合、広野駅18:35発「特急ひたち19号」を利用すれば、仙台駅着は20:28。仙台駅までの終電は広野駅20:43発となります。
As already announced, a workshop by Nadine Baldow and Minori Aoki is scheduled for December 17 at HIRONO MIRAIKAN from 2-4pm.
However, there are several people who will be coming all the way from Tokyo and Sendai for this event, so we discussed with HATAGOINN FukushimaHirono, where the artists will be staying, to have an after-party after the workshop at 5 pm at Hatagoinn with light meals prepared.
At the after-party, you can talk with the two artists about art or anything else. The committee staff will also attend. At the moment, we have two artists, two or three staff members, and a few guests, for a total of about eight people, but we can increase the number of people. Please use this application form.
We look forward to seeing you there!
- You can stay overnight at a special rate on the day of the event (half board included).
- If you wish to stay overnight, please contact the secretariat in advance.
- If you do not stay overnight, you will be charged for refreshments (sandwiches and all-you-can-drink soft drinks).
- Transportation from Hirono Miraikan, the venue of the WS, to the hotel has already been secured.
- It is only a few minutes’ walk from the hotel to JR Hirono Station.
- If you are coming from Tokyo, you can take the “Limited Express Hitachi-30” departing from Hirono Station at 19:56 and arriving at Tokyo Station at 22:44.
- For Sendai, take the “Limited Express Hitachi No. 19” departing from Hirono Station at 18:35 and arriving at Sendai Station at 20:28. The last train to Sendai Station leaves from Hirono Station at 20:43.