About Hirono

Hirono is one of the safest towns in the world. But…

Hirono is one of the safest towns in the world. But beware of bears and boars when entering the forests. Also, there are...
Open Call

On Metal Works (Welding machines and angle grinders) 溶接機やグラインダーは使えますか?

Welding machines and angle grinders would be bought by the invited artists with their production fees and used in the st...
Open Call

Musicians are also welcome. 音楽家も応募可!

Composers, instrument players, singers, DJs, etc. are welcome!We would be happy if you could create your own music to ac...
Open Call

About applying as a duo 二人組での応募について

After discussion by the committee, we decided that duos may apply under the following conditions1) The maximum round-tri...
What's New

Rail travel From Tokyo to Hirono

It takes 2 hours and 40 minutes from Tokyo to Hirono by "Super Hitachi" express on Joban Line. "Super Hitachi" expressPl...
Open Call

Consideration of minorities in selection process 選考におけるマイノリティへの配慮について

Candidates with disadvantages in their background, such as ethnic minority, poverty, refugee, or a handicapped person, w...
Open Call

Open Call 2023 Started! 公募を開始しました

EnglishHirono Town, Fukushima Prefecture, is pleased to announce a new artist-in-residence program called the "Hirono In...
Art in Hamadori

Cai Guo-Qiang and Iwaki City 蔡國強さんといわき市

日本語はページ後半ですEnglishOne of the goals of the Hirono Artist-in-Residence "TORIGOYA" project is to build a relationship with ...