Open Call

Finalists will be announced at….

The committee has checked 80% of all the documents, but there are still more than 60 left to go. The earliest we can fin...
Open Call


大変多くの国内のアーティストより、乳幼児の育児があるので1ヶ月の滞在制作は難しいというご相談をいただいております。今年度が初年度のため、滞在アーティストの育児支援につきまして至らぬところがありましたこと、お詫び申し上げます。 本日、実行委員...
About Hirono

Project updates Oct 26, 2023 /About Contract 契約書についてなど

Everyone Yesterday, committee members visited Futaba Mirai Gakuen (junior high and high school) in Hirono to ask for the...
About Hirono

Medical insurance for foreign guest

An inquiry was made about medical insurance. After discussion with the committee members today, it was decided that we w...
About Hirono

Developing Film (for Photographers)

Today we received an enquiry about developing silver halide film. As for black and white, it seems possible to procure d...
Open Call

Open call project update Oct 23

Gratitude Friends Today, the committee, including the project owner Hirono Town Officials, had meeting to review the cur...
Open Call

We love pdf

Some artists wrote proposals and bios in the body of the email, but please make sure that the proposal, bio, and artist ...
Open Call

About Headshot

Need a headshot? Not required. We are not concerned with the artist's appearance, skin color, age or gender. Is there a ...
Open Call

Too many images in your portfolios.

Everyone Artists with great careers and striking works are being disqualified for including too many images in their por...
Open Call


More than half of the artists have been disqualified so far due to incomplete forms in this open call. Incomplete applic...