Dec 18, 2023. Field Trip to the heart of Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster-stricken areas, then Workshop for students. 東日本大震災被災地への小旅行とふたば未来学園でのワークショップ




青木さんは必ず出発直前にコーヒーを飲む Minori drinks a cup of coffee just before the departure, everyday





Yesterday was another busy day.

We left the hotel at 9:00 a.m. and headed north along the coast. This was a short trip to visit the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disastar.

Guided by staff familiar with reconstruction projects in the areas, we learned about what happened here at the time of the earthquake and disaster, how reconstruction was carried out, and what is happening now. The tour will also take a look at the background of the reconstruction, Its social environment and circumstances that led to this process.

Next, we will take time to visit the Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Museum.

It was a very heavy time for both the artists and the staff.

Nadine wanted to interview the facility staff (including the storytellers), so the committee asked the staff of the museum to carefully coordinate the details. It was decided to realize the project in the near future.




The next stop was the surf point in front of the Hirono Thermal Power Plant!

Minori Aoki was very excited here!

Meanwhile, Nadine was collecting driftwood and shells for her artwork.





In the evening, a workshop was held at Futaba Mirai Gakuen.

Nadine and Minori Aoki introduced how they studied to become artists and how they are currently creating artworks and engaging in artistic activities.

During the Q&A session, some in-depth questions were raised, such as how an installation artist like Nadine earns her living, and the students were able to deepen their understanding of contemporary art in general.

During the discussion, there was time to share snacks that Nadine brought from Germany, and there was a lively discussion about Haribo in particular.


Why artists love ramen so much.

At Tomioka town. Ramen.