フィールドワーク1日目は蔡國強さんの作品群を見学。そしてアンモナイト。Fieldwork, Cai Guo-Qiang site-specific installations and  ammonites






Today we were on fieldwork from morning to evening.

First, we went to Iwaki City Museum of Art to see the “MINGEI” exhibition, then to Iwaki Kairo Museum of Art to see Cai Guo-Qiang’s group of works.

Then we went to Home Center Komeri where Ms. Baldow bought a blue sheets, ropes, and a stepladder. After that, we visited the Ammonite Center, then made a preliminary inspection of the location of the “TORIGOYA” in Hirono Town, and spent the evening discussing the workshop, the creation of artworks, and how to live as artists, before we realized that it was 10:30 pm.

Both the staff and the two artists are giving their all to the artist-in-residence program.