青木みのり作品「もし、雪の降らない広野町に…」 Minori Aoki “It doesn’t snow in Hirono Town. But if…”


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題名「もし、雪の降らない広野町に… 」

制作年 2024年

材料 紙、木、雪、火

作者 青木みのり

設置場所 福島県双葉郡広野町下浅見川久保

Title : ” It doesn’t snow in Hirono Town. But if…”

Year: 2024

Place: Kubo, Shimoasamigawa, Hironomachi, Futaba County, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

Media: Paper, Wood, Snow, Fire

Installation by Minori Aoki (Japan)


The original idea was to install the work that imitated snow at the Hirono Town’s “Sainokami(torigoya)” event, usualy which has no snowfall, but the snow unexpectedly piled up on the morning of the event, creating a work of godlike beauty. “The snow” was to be surrounded by flames in a snowy landscape. A miracle that could only be seen for about 10 minutes.

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