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About Hirono

広野町の亀山神社の百矢祭を見学しました Artists attend Hyakuyasai in Hirono

The Hyakuya Festival (Hundred Arrows Festival) is a traditional event at Kameyama Shrine in the Hirono, Fukushima Prefec...

Minori Aoki and Nadine Baldow were invited to the farewell party by Hirono residents!

Minori Aoki and Nadine Baldow, who completed their artist-in-residence program, were invited to a home party by the resi...

アーティスト・イン・レジデンス完了報告と最終清掃 Artists met Mayor of the town, and final clean-up of the site


Nadine Baldow will be lecturing at Meiji University ナディン・バルドウさんが明治大学でレクチャーをします

Nadine Baldow will be lecturing at Meiji University's Graduate School of Geography.This is a formal lecture invited by a...
Art in Hamadori

ナディン・バルドウ作品「儚い顕現」Nadine Baldow “Ephemeral Emergence”

解説作品名「儚い顕現」制作年 2024設置場所 福島県双葉郡広野町下浅見川久保メディア 流木、竹、葉、貝、石、火作者 ナディン・バルドウバルドウさんは広野町の海岸線と常磐線の間(広野町で東日本大震災の津波が到達したエリアにほぼ相当します)で...
About Hirono


Art in Hamadori

青木みのり作品「もし、雪の降らない広野町に…」 Minori Aoki “It doesn’t snow in Hirono Town. But if…”

作品画像 Images"It doesn't snow in Hirono Town. But if…""It doesn't snow in Hirono Town. But if…""It doesn't snow in Hirono ...
Art in Hamadori


Art in Hamadori

鳥小屋プロジェクト2023-24 作品展示完了しました! This is true TORIGOYA 2023-24 installations.

Art in Hamadori

TORIGOYA project installations by Minori Aoki and Nadine Baldow are finished! 鳥小屋プロジェクト2023の現代アート作品が完成しました!!

Invited Artists Minori Aoki and Nadine Baldow's site specific installations are finally completed side by side in Shimo-...