今日は昼間の作業を終えてからアーティスト二人と事務局メンバーで、広野町のすぐ北にある楢葉町の「シェアハウスと食堂 kashiwaya」さんを訪問。美味しい夕食を堪能しました。
Today, after finishing their daytime work, two artists and member of the committee visited “Share House and Shokudo kashiwaya” in Naraha-machi, just north of Hirono-machi. We enjoyed a delicious dinner.
Nadine is crazy about Japanese food and hopes to visit Japan again soon after her artist-in-residence program ends.
Hirono and Naraha, although they are in different municipalities, are friends who are working together to make Hamadori a more vibrant place. The Hirono International Artist-in-Residence team have diverse network of people working in neighboring municipalities. This is our advantege.